Charlie Sheen Tweets for Charity

It’s hard to take anything that Charlie Sheen has to say these days too seriously, but the man does have 7 million followers on Twitter. So, when he tweets something out – people do seem to be listening. That’s why it was big news when he tweeted recently to his fans that he would be taking part in the charity event called DASH FOR DETECTION 5K Walk/Run for Pancreatic Cancer Research in Chicago. The event is intended to raise money for pancreatic cancer research and it will take place at Grant Park in Chicago this June.

Organized by the Rolfe Foundation, an organization which supports scientific research to improve the early detection tests for pancreatic cancer, the non-profit will be hosting the fundraiser with the Lustgarten Foundation.

In his support of the cause and the event on June 2, Charlie Sheen tweeted, “Hello Chicago!! I’ll be there to scoot… Walk or Run! Dash for detection for pancreatic cancer research…”

Perhaps Sheen can actually do some good for a change with his tweets for charity.