This is a fascinating article which examines why people select to give money, and what it does for their own sense of self. Certainly, charities don’t typically care why people are giving – they are just happy to have the money. But focusing on research of this sort might help charities that have fundraising campaigns to consider reaching their givers in a more thought-out way. It’s worth the read.
How a Small Idea Can Revolutionize an Industry
If you haven’t heard of, you’ll probably enjoy learning about it. Charles Best was a teacher in the New York area and a graduate of Yale who, in the year 2000, created a website where teachers could post needs that they had in the classroom and encourage donors to help them put the project together. He paid a developer a few thousand dollars and was born. Donors can find projects that inspire them and put in as little as $1 towards the cause. When the project has its funding, the site buys the needed supplies and ships them directly to the school. Every donor also gets a thank you note from the teacher, photos from the classroom and an accounting of how the money was spent.
Today, a staggering 76% of public schools in the U.S. have a project posted on the site. Learn more about their site, and think about how one person with an out-of-the-box idea can change an industry.